Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So guitar hero has become the new past time in the Rugaard household. When we aren't at basketball games, we are playing guitar hero. Seriously, we may need a support group soon. It's amazing how addictive the guitar playing is. Tucker, our 8 year old, is mastering the game. (Does that worry any of you that we let him play it?) Maybe not the best parenting choice that we have made. But he usually is supervised and some songs and stages are off limits....Anyway, as I was saying, we love to rock out in the basement! Recently, my brother gave us this big surround sound system...and it is so sweet (except it doesn't really look Pottery Barnish)! "Sweet Child of Mine" has never sounded better...except when we try to play expert! So here are a few pics of Tucker rockin' out in the basement last night. enJOY

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