Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Fun Stuff

I got a couple of new ideas for back-drops. Paige and Gus let me play for about 3 minutes....have I mentioned that they are not so excited about the camera:( I can't wait to try these out at some of my sessions coming up. Here is a small, 3 minutes small, glimpse of the new stuff. enJOY


Anonymous said...

I just wanted yo let you know your photography is beautiful and your chidlrne are darling.

can I add you to my blog list?

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Lovely! I'm jealous. :)
I know I'm a complete stranger, but there's somethin' goin' around the blogosphere that's supposed to broaden bloggers horizons or some such thing :) & if you want to learn more about it, you can swing by my site because I came across your blog & I grooved on your pics so I thought I'd share!